Tuesday, February 2, 2010

True Love

If I forget to tell u just how much you mean to me, I hope that u will remember while u are not here with me.

If I forget to tell u that u are my world and more, I hope that u will remember what I am waitin' for.

If I forget to tell u I want u in my life, I hope that u will remember that I am always by your side.

If I forget to tell u I love u more than words, I hope that u will remember regardless of the hurt.

If I forget to tell u I am sorry for my mistakes, I hope that u will remember with every one I make.

If I forget to tell u no other can compare, I hope that u will remember the love that we both share.

If I forget to tell u I miss u everyday, I hope that u will remember your absence causes pain.

If I forget to tell u that forever is what I want, I hope u will remember that forever is what we have got. Whether I say these words to u, or wait until u are here with me, I will show u this forever, and these words will have no need.

I love the way u make me laugh

I love the way u make me cry

I love the way u smile

Where are u my True love

When will u come i m waitin' for u

You have given me many times signs of your love

Why i was not able to say anything to u

I have seen many times your eyes fixated on me

I was showin' that i was not aware of what's happening

I hope that one day u will read this post

And u will come back only for me