Our Constitution has completed 60 years of existence.Feel proud? Well, I do not though I am an Indian, a patriotic one. I am really quite bewildered how much has our constitution really changed in this span of time.Sixty years is nearly the average expectation age of a human being. Age signifies growth, development and maturity. But did our constitution also go through these stages in its lifetime? Perhaps, I am being overly critical.Well, I do admire the creators of this wonderful piece of existence. It is undoubtedly the work of visionaries and revolutionaries vowing to bring a tsunami of change into the Indian society and value system. It is the longest written constitution among all the countries, very exhaustive and complete in its approach.
I will not write any more about our constitution.Technovating india pushes us towards the development of science and technology in india. So far india has crossed many hurdles to grow higher towards attaining self-reliance and increasing its potential.Indians have started to take
interest in latest gadgets and gizmos and they really wants to know latest from the tech check world.
Everyday hundreds of gadgets and gizmos are coming , some of them are......
city wall has been around for a little bit now, offering a giant multitouch display of maps and other service-oriented features. But now the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology have launched their new 3D UI for the interactive display, which makes it look super futuristic and awesome. While not actually 3D in the physical sense, the UI is fully rendered in 3D. As the video below shows, groups of files are represented as spheres, which can be manipulated in every which way. You can even look at the photo thumbnails inside the sphere "from behind." Though the demo is thin, it shows some really interesting ideas at play.
For all of us whose Girlfriends/Wives hate their gaming habits, here is a good gadget to make them to encourage you for playing more video game. The Massage Me is a wearable video game controller that acts as a massager. The games involves two people, the player and the one enjoying the massage. The massage jacket is made of flexible buttons that transforms the gamer’s inputs into massage techniques. The system sure is interesting, but might become awkward for times, depending on who plays it.It will become the most popular game very
soon that's for sure.
I think that the tech fests in colleges are playing a very important role in the technology world because the students are the future of this world. Yesterday in my college - there was a Robo War that is a technical event and it was really intersting war between the Robots and here are some photos..........
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